A girl follows Polly the worker bee collecting pollen and nectar from various flowers, and bringing it back to the hive where it is stored in the honeycomb. We meet the queen bee and the drones, and finally see honey being harvested and enjoyed. Simple quiz and fun facts at the end explain more about bees and how they live.
Tagged bees and science through stories
The Follow My Food series
Polly Bee Makes Honey

- Regular price
- £8.14
- Sale price
- £8.14
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RRP £10.99 - Unit price
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Milly Cow Gives Milk

- Regular price
- £8.75
- Sale price
- £8.75
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RRP £10.99 - Unit price
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Granny Pip Grows Fruit : 4

- Regular price
- £5.90
- Sale price
- £5.90
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RRP £7.99 - Unit price
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