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Green Tech: Solving the Climate Crisis

Green Tech: Solving the Climate Crisis

Published: 14 Oct 2021

Paperback / softback, 32 pages

Recommended for age 9+

By Alice Harman

Published by Hachette Children's Group

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Explore the technology that will save our world!

Our planet is facing a climate crisis. Climate change and global warming are making Earth warm-up and it is affecting all sorts of different aspects of life on Earth. But all is not negative.

Luckily, there are a variety of amazing green technologies that can help us to create a safer, cleaner, greener world. Delve into the problems we are facing and the ingenious solutions inventors and scientists are thinking up. The four-book series Green Tech is an upbeat guide exploring fascinating technology from the past, present and cutting-edge of futuristic development that has the potential to help solve major environmental issues facing Earth, from the climate crisis to plastic pollution and the ongoing loss of biodiversity around the world.

Enough with the negative, it's time to look at all the ingenious inventors who are all about trying to use technology for good. The series offers a balanced view of this technology, considering the practicalities, affordability, sustainability and possible unintended long-term consequences of various hi-tech solutions. It introduces the importance of behaviour change by people in richer countries and includes technology that facilitates this.

Tagged climate action

The Green Tech series

Green Tech: Protecting Nature and Wildlife
Green Tech: Solving the Climate Crisis
Green Tech: Clean and Safe Water