SUPPOSING I looked in the mirror one day and saw someone who wasn't me at all... SUPPOSING I sailed around the world and when I was a mile from my hometown, I just turned the boat and sailed round again the other way...
SUPPOSING... Supposing leads to pondering a chain of hypothetical events that play with the way that things are, daring to imagine a world beyond the laws of physics and unbeholden to societal conventions. Each sentence may start with the same word "SUPPOSING," but it's impossible to predict where the zany musings will lead!
SUPPOSING... Supposing leads to pondering a chain of hypothetical events that play with the way that things are, daring to imagine a world beyond the laws of physics and unbeholden to societal conventions. Each sentence may start with the same word "SUPPOSING," but it's impossible to predict where the zany musings will lead!
Tagged imagination