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Drastic Plastic and Troublesome Trash

Drastic Plastic and Troublesome Trash

Published: 8 Aug 2019

Paperback / softback, 64 pages

Recommended for age 7+ and 9+

By Hannah Wilson

Published by Welbeck Publishing Group

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We don't think twice before we buy something new and when we go to the shops we take the packaging for granted. But where does all our rubbish go to and how can we keep it under control so that it doesn't ruin our planet? This thoughtful but incredibly fun book enters the mysterious world of recycling, discovering how materials such as plastic, glass, paper and electronics are made and recycled. It also looks at the many ways we can help to reduce the amount of waste we throw out, has suggestions and activities for upcycling and explains how recycling is crucial to preserving the beautiful and life-sustaining world we live in.

Tagged plastic and reduce reuse recycle