Join scientists on an unforgettable journey to Antarctica in this illustrated children's book.
Antarctica was only discovered 200 years ago and since its discovery, explorers, sailors, and scientists have been travelling to the world's only uninhabited continent to learn all they can about its icy environment. This book follows the story of a group of researchers on their half-year stay in Antarctica. Their goal was to examine the animals, plants, atmosphere, weather, and fossils in the area.
Through full-page illustrations, children will experience the work and life of these explorers and scientists as they study penguins, whales, and seals, measure the depth of the ice, chart wind speeds of up to 186 mph (300km/h), examine old volcanoes, and withstand some of the lowest temperatures ever recorded. Kids will also learn about Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott, the legendary explorers who first set foot on Antarctica.
Tagged exploration , Living things and their habitats and polar regions