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Easy Purchase Sets

Easy Purchase Sets: One Click and It's Done

We know that busy teachers are hard pressed for time. So, we have created one click sets to make it easier for you.

We provide the best of both worlds:

  • the opportunity to select your own choices
  • easy purchase of trusted selections that are assembled by teachers and librarians

You can tweak the easy purchase sets once you have added them to your basket. Simply deselect or add titles.

Personalised Support

If you need help with large or bespoke orders, please contact our specialist team be email  We will get in touch to arrange consultation.

Curriculum Topics EYFS

A range of curriculum topic sets pre-selected for easy purchase. You can swap in and out tiles of your choice from our extensive curriculum selections for ease and flexibility.

Curriculum Topics KS1

A range of curriculum topic sets with a balance of different types of text pre-selected for easy purchase. You can swap in and out titles of your choice from our extensive curriculum selections  for ease and flexibility.

Curriculum Topics KS2

A range of curriculum topic books with a balance of different types of text pre-selected for easy purchase. You can swap in and out titles of your choice from our extensive curriculum selections for ease and flexibility.

KS1 Class Book Sets

A selection of class and half class sets of books suitable for KS1 (5 - 7 years). If you are looking for a specific book and can't find it here, email We can supply any in print book available in the UK.

LKS2 Class Book Sets

A selection of class and half class sets of books suitable for LKS2 (7-9 years) . If you are looking for a specific book and can't find it here, email We can supply any inprint book available in the UK.

UKS2 Class Book Sets

A selection of class and half class sets of books suitable for UKS2. If you are looking for a specific book and can't find it here, email We can supply any in print book available in the UK.

Reading for Pleasure

These curated collections will boost reading for pleasure provision in your schools. Best Book sets are regularly updated collections of recently published titles. Teachers Treasures are books that have stood the test of time, the staples of your book collections, Reading Bug are high interests book, selected to engage less enthusiastic readers and kickstart the love of reading. For maintaining your book collections, an annual subscription will keep your shelves topped up with great newly published books. For advice on bespoke orders, please get in touch


The sets in this section cover a range of awareness days, including religious festivals, national observed days and topical events.

Genre Sets

Here you will find packs of books covering specific genres such as graphic novels, biographies and wordless picturebooks. These are ideal for filling gaps that you identify when auditing your library.